Monday, August 18, 2008

It is raining syllabi on the first day of classes

I woke up a bit earlier this morning in order to see to it that I got a parking space somewhere within the orbit of OSU. I am happy to report that I was successful. I hope you were successful at not only parking, but having a good first day back or first day here period. I also hope that you are reading your syllabi right now and making careful calculations about your load for this semester. I think I would see fewer of you later in the semester wanting a drop card signature if more weighing of what a semester is going to ask of you is done during the first week when you can easily make changes to your schedule. Don't get me wrong, however. I am not saying toss every course that looks like you might have to write more than one paper. I am saying take a good look at your outside of classroom commitments and make sure that you aren't entering a haste makes waste situation where you are attempting more hours than you can reasonably handle. The "W" is really not your friend when you do another calculation - the cost of tuition and fees. Every course that you take a "W" in is a course that you are essentially paying for twice. College courses already are expensive enough when you are paying for them just for the first time.
I would write more, but it is has been a long day for me as well. I am going home to recharge the batteries and to get ready to go parking spot hunting again tomorrow morning. The early bird gets the worm and the OSU parking space!

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