Wednesday, November 12, 2008

RE: What is Higher Education Worth?

Some recent events have gotten me back to thinking about the funding of higher education. I used to think about it a lot when I was at Vanderbilt, for it seemed to come up in every class. Most recently, we all saw the article in the O'Colly about OSU making a budget cut of 1.5 million dollars. I have a feeling that is just the first of more to come as the economy isn't about to recover anytime soon and the overall enrollment numbers for OSU are predicted to decrease due to a general population trend towards lower numbers of high school students in Oklahoma. At present, OSU gets most of its funding not from the state, but from student tuition and fees. Fewer students equals less funding for OSU.

My home state of Arkansas recently passed a state lottery to help fund higher education. That sounds good on the surface until you get to thinking about where most of that money will come from. Most of it will come from the non college educated poor and lower middle classes. If a state wants a good higher education system, why not just pay for it and invest in it with standard tax dollars. But instead, higher education is one area that state legislatures for some reason find easy to cut when it comes to decreasing funding. Some state universities with around just 10 percent state funding are state universities pretty much in name only.

I don't imagine any Arkansas or Oklahoma legislature member is reading this blog, but if they are, I want them to pay special attention to this paragraph. I work as an academic counselor here at Oklahoma State. In my four and nearly a half years here at OSU I have helped hundreds and hundreds of students leave here with a college degree. And that has been possible because the state of Arkansas gave me a scholarship to attend UALR and the federal government loaned me the money to attend Vanderbilt. I think society as a whole has gotten their initial investment in me back and then some. Something to think about when you decrease the next spending bill that comes up related to higher education.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Idea for the Rest of Your Life

One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday is to go to the public library here in Stillwater. I think it is a fair library as libraries go. Honestly, I did rather expect something more when I moved here, knowing this is a college town. But I do have my OSU library priviledges, and library loan has helped me too. I have also benefited from the public library's semi-annual booksale. I've gotten good hardback copies for just a dollar. In turn, I've donated some books myself. But what I really want to throw out here right now is an idea that I had when I finished my MA in English from the University of Arkansas, nearly ten years ago. I told myself that I was going to keep up with my reading, keep up with my brain exercises! I remember what joy that first summer was, for I could read anything I wanted. I had no reading list to complete. I didn't have to rack my brain on how I could turn this or that reading experience into a twenty-five page paper. There were no reading quizzes!

So I went to town, so-to-speak, with my reading and have maintained about a book every two weeks pace. And something that I've done ever since then is keep a journal of what I read for each year. My mother, an influence on me being a reader myself, had already given me a reading journal for Christmas two years before. I started at first with just putting the name of the writer and the book title in the journal. But after doing that for a few years, I started writing a few sentences of commentary / review. Now that it has been nearly ten years since I started, I have a nice trail of where my intellectual interests have taken me. And whenever people ask me for a book recommendation, I can easily consult my journal and pick out something that they might like themselves.

The Stillwater library has provided me with a fair number of those books. And so has the OSU library. But the most important book I'll ever own will be the journal that I plan on keeping for the rest of my life. I encourage you to do the same thing. But start it earlier than I did. Start it now! You'll capture the essence of your college experience as a reader, and you'll be able to go back at some point and re-read these books of your youth. They will not have changed, but you will have, and it will be interesting for you to compare your reading experiences to one another.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thoughts inside your professor's head

Students at OSU are getting a break from their professors today, fall break, and the professors, of course, are getting a break from the students. A good arrangement for all involved, I think. Professional advisors, we are still manning our posts! haha. My inside the classroom role finished this week as I wrapped up the teaching of A&S 1111 Freshman Orientation. The course is only for eight weeks, and those eight weeks seemed like they went by really fast. So fast that I feel like there are still much more that I would have like to have conveyed to them. And some things I would have liked to have repeated for emphasis. With that in mind, I thought I would dedicate this blog entry to the thoughts inside a professor's or instructor's head, a behind the scenes look based upon my experience and also talking with others who have stood in front of a class.

1.) By gosh, 50 minutes goes by so fast! Will we have time to do the next exercise that I had planned? Teachers have to be good managers of classroom time that can strike a balance. Plan too much and things don't get done or get done in only a scattered way. Plan too little and you risk cheating your students out of their classroom time, though they are likely to be grateful for the cheat and the early dismissal.

2.) Why can't I get anyone to talk / engage with me? This is too common of a problem across academia. The sound of crickets makes you feel very, very lonely up there. I have thought about how neat it would be to have a sign like what studio audiences have that would tell them "Ask a question," "Give a comment," and "Laugh, he is trying to make a joke." But no such signs exist, so you try to appear as non-threatening as you possibly can in order to get someone to take the brave step of speaking up in class. The trouble with this, however, is that you can become too supportive of everything that is said when some good putting the student on the spot, some good challenge statements, would be beneficial for the discussion. With a shy class, if you appear as someone who is going to shoot the next person down with a challenge statement, then nobody is ever going to say a word. Again, it is a delicate balance.

3.) Why don't students take my due dates as seriously as I took them when I was a student? The due date for me was not something I took lightly in college. And I am pretty sure that is true of most people who go on to teach in academia, for you need to be organized with your time to be able to succeed at getting graduate degrees. But given a large enough population of students, I suppose it is only human nature for some of them not to turn things in when they are due. Some people do have legit reasons why, but teachers do have a voice in their heads going "Am I being duped?" Nobody likes to be taken for being the fool. And do you really ask to see grandmother's obit. before you'll accept a late paper? Life does go on outside of your classroom, you realize that. But at the same time, you really wished everyone would fight the rising creek and battle hell to get the assignment turned in when it is due.

4.) Did any of this really sink in with them? I imagine this is a question that goes back to Plato and Aristotle. I've created this lesson plan; I've tried to be creative; I've done the readings as well; I've rehearsed in my head many times what I am going to say; and I have tried to make it better than the last time I presented this material. After the class, you are thinking, okay, now did they really get the message?

5.) Cell phones going off, students talking between themselves, students texting, students coming in late to the class, and students leaving early. Why do these annoy us? Because we take the classroom seriously and expect our students, who are here to benefit from this time, to take it just as seriously. If one side of the equation, professor or student, isn't taking this time to heart, then it isn't any good for both parties.

6.) Am I grading this too harshly? Too easily? Unless you are grading multiple choice or true and false, grading is no easy walk in the park. It is the underground work that students don't see and thus, I think, don't appreciate as much until a time possibly comes when they have to spend the time grading something themselves. The 50 minutes in the classroom is just the above water surface of the iceberg when it comes to what it takes to teach a course.

There's more. And I might take this up again. But I need to get a lunch into me, and I don't mean to make these posts too exceptionally long. Enjoy your break, professors and students. We professional advisors will keep the place in order until you get back. haha.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

RE: A Different Look at Economics

Lately we have all become arm chair economists, what with the rise of gas prices, the fall of housing prices, and the collapse of Wall Street banking firms over the sub-prime mortgage mess. So I found it interesting to read here lately a different take on what equals a good economy. Bill Mckibben in Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future argues that we need to move beyond the idea of economic growth as the supreme goal of a nation and towards economic sustainability and the emergence of local economies. Basically, he says we should move away from the energy consuming global economy, for it is damaging the earth and won't be something we can sustain much longer with energy resources becoming tighter and tighter. Mega malls, SUV's, corporate farming, and the consumerist mindset are what we need to get beyond in McKibben's opinon. Taking a more humanistic look at economics, he also looks at how our currently structured economy and way of living have made us into isolated individuals who have a difficult time finding community. Hyper-individualism, he calls it, is something he would like to see less of in America, the land of the individual. I think McKibben would point to the news coming out of Wall Street as evidence of a society that has driven itself so far down the road of "me" that it now has to face the word "us" in the form of a government bailout of the financial system. A nation where the food is grown locally, goods are crafted (not manufactured) by people you know, and you know your neighbors and think about their welfare as well as your own, McKibben would say, is a much better society than the one that has produced the latest headlines from Wall Street.

I encourage you to hear McKibben out for yourself and make up your own mind about his visiion for an economy. His alternative vision to the go-go must grow the economy America that we live in today is not one you hear that often amongst the talking heads on television or our politicians or academic economists for that matter. But it should be heard. And if you like what you hear from McKibben, then I would also suggest that you look at the works of Wendell Berry and James Howard Kunstler to name but two from recent times. Henry David Thoreau had a similar message in the 19th century. Before that in the 18th century you had Jefferson vs. Hamilton, with McKibben leaning more towards the Jeffersonian world view of small towns and small farms. Wordsworth struck a similar note with the poem I leave you with.

The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. -Great God! I'd rather beA Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

RE: What can you do with a degree in psychology?

(Here's an email I sent to my psychology majors about what you can do with a BA or BS in psychology.)

We had a large turnout last night to hear a speaker from A&S Career Services talk to us about what you can possibly do with a BA or BS in psychology. I understand that not everyone was able to make it, and some of you who were there were not able to get any of the handouts due to there be a lack of them. So I've attached the handouts to this email, and I have included some main points below from the speaker and from myself about facing the world with a bachelor's degree in psychology in hand.

1. Our speaker made the good point that there are plenty of directions you can go with a degree in psychology, but very few jobs out there that only want to hear from psychology majors when they go looking for resumes. True, some limited counseling services are done by people with just a BA or BS, but most jobs outside of counseling aren't going to state "only psychology majors apply." In fact, my brother does after-school counseling with Day Springs and he has a BS in business. Just goes to show, that you are not necessarily what you majored in.

2. Our speaker said that you need to do plenty of self-evaluation before you go applying for jobs. What do you like to do? What are your skills? Where do you want to live? Would you want a job where you would have to travel a lot? Would you want to work for a major or small sized company? Would you want to work for government for lower pay, but more job security, or for business with possibly higher pay and less job security?

3. She also asked, "What do you value?" I made the suggestion that students think about what they care about, what they think needs improvement most. There are plenty of problems in America, the world, that you can choose from to dedicate a life towards in many different ways. Myself? I obviously think education, particularly higher education, is very important and that a functioning democracy needs as many college educated citizens as possible. Under that umbrella, I have been both a teacher and an advisor. Under the umbrellas of health care, child care, the enviroment, energy, poverty . . . . . there are a lot of different jobs you could work at to make this old world a better place.

4. But what if you just want a job and don't feel like there is any particular cause you want to work towards? Selling widgets is fine with you. I think that is fine as well. But you are still going to have to do a good self-evaluation about what your skills happen to be. Taking my father for example. He doesn't think he is saving the world or solving any particular problem beyond wiping yourself by keeping the toilet paper machines running at the mill he works at. But he does get to exercise the problem solving and mechanical skills that he has developed and loves to use, and he has fed and housed a family of four in doing so.

5. I made the suggestion that you start reading classified adds for jobs in a field you might be interested in. I also suggested that you visit career fairs and company websites to learn more about potential employers and what they are looking for. Be sure to also talk with friends and family about their jobs and what they like or dislike.

6. Our speaker and I pointed out that A&S Career Services can help you with resume building, cover-letter writing, and interview preparation. These are important areas to be good at, for there are a lot of people who have a college degree out there who will be applying for the same job you are applying for. Don't let a mistake on your resume, for example, get you tossed to the reject pile on the first read through. A&S Career Services 744-5658 is located in the Student Success Center in 213 LSE, and you can use the same appointment calendar that you use to make appointments with your advisor.

7. Outside of the classroom experiences, jobs, internships, volunteer work, study abroad, were all mentioned as being important additions you can add to your degree in psychology. The more outside of the classroom experience you can add to your resume before you go looking for that first professional job, the better! For your degree is like a hunting or fishing permit. It allows you to look for that first, professional job, but it in no way by itself guarantees you'll get the job you want.

Finally, I've included some skills that psychology majors are likely to graduate with in higher degrees of ability than students from other majors. Your job is to match these skills to the job that you think would best suit you. It might turn out that you are wrong about the first job you take. Well, in that case, look for another. As our speaker pointed out, your job/career is not necessarily etched in stone. You can go on and do something else that you find more fulfilling.


Insights into the range of human behavior / can better answer why we do the things we do or don’t do
Has quantitative / stat. knowledge
Knowledge of qualitative research skills as well
Well versed in the scientific method of research
Can readily compare and contrast information
Empathy skills – the ability to see and understand where other people are coming from in their behavior
Deductive and inductive reasoning
Likely possess a greater intuitive sense
Possess a high degree of emotional intelligence
As a rule, superior listening skills, consequently good at reducing conflicts and finding compromises
Insights into leadership and group dynamics as well as personality
Possess good language skills along with math / data skills
Can formulate an opinion and defend it with well stated evidence and reasoning while understanding and addressing the counter-argument(s).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

RE: Wear A Blue Collar On A College Campus

If someone tells you that you have a "blue collar work ethic," then you should take it as the compliment that it is. In my family, I have family members who lived out that compliment and continue to live it out. My grandfather worked hard and dangerous jobs clearing right-of-way for oil and gas pipelines through Louisiana swamps and over Wyoming mountains. It took a back injury to finally keep him from working. He said he never asked his men to do a job that he wouldn't do himself. My father works all kinds of shifts at a papermill and is always there when he is expected to be there. If that means after a short turn around, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's Day, well, the job has to be done, and he is at that job rain or shine. "A good worker" is a high compliment in my family. And though I didn't run a chainsaw or work on paper machines while at college, I did bring the family dedication to the task at hand and completed my degree in four years and graduated summa cum laude. If a paper was due on a certain day, I didn't start looking for excuses to turn it in late. I got the paper written and turned in. If I felt bad while I wrote, well, I felt bad, but I still wrote the paper. If the class started at 8:30, I was there not at 8:45, but when class started, just as my father is on time for his job no matter if it is days, evenings, or the graveyard shift. All this to say, that the sense of dedication, not easily giving up on a task, the sense of pride in one's work, the sense of responsibility to do the right and honest thing by your co-workers, that I associate with the blue collar work ethic are all good things to have in helping you get a college degree and entrance into the world of the white collar workplace. If you are interested in reading about that transition, from a blue collar world to a white collar world, I couldn't recommend a better book than Alfred Lubrano's "LIMBO: BLUE COLLAR ROOTS, WHITE COLLAR DREAMS." I know I felt less alone in having read it and gained a better understanding of myself.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

RE: Does Lou Holtz have the secret to a good life?

I don't think most of us would consider ESPN's college football broadcasts as a resource for coming to better terms about what is indeed important in life. For most of us, myself included, college football telecasts are an escape from the realities and complexities of life itself. But the other night I did hear what I thought was some good advice coming from none other than Lou Holtz, former South Carolina coach, former Notre Dame coach, former Minnesota coach, former Arkansas coach. He has been around and has given his share of pep talks to college students. Here's what he said. He said we all need the following:

1. Something to do -

2. Someone to love - (and I would add someone to love you as well)

3. Something to hope for -

4. Something to believe in -

I am sure Maslow and a team of psychologists could give us a more complicated rendering, but I think old Lou is on to something here. If you think about your future outside of OSU in terms of how you will answer those four needs, I think that can help focus things for you as you plan ahead. And I hope all of you are indeed planning or thinking about your plans, for the falls slip by quickly and you soon find yourself with a degree in hand and facing the world before you know it. The better you know yourself before you graduate the better position you'll be able to put yourself in once you do head out into the working world. Socrates would agree with me. He originally said, "Know Thyself." Shakespeare said the same thing in "Hamlet." And I don't doubt that Lou Holtz is in agreement with them as well.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

If your favorite college football team were a cultural figure . . .

Today marks the long awaited start of the college football season. I have been anticipated this day since the last note of doom sounded for Ohio State in New Orleans back in January. I can't wait to see the Cowboys and Razorbacks take their respected fields. Vanderbilt, being a degree holder, of course I have an interest in you as well. But hope doesn't spring as eternal with you as it does with the Cowboys and Razorbacks. With that said, I would like to take a break from the seriousness to play who would they be if said college football team were a cultural figure.

1.) Ohio State - Sisyphus, for the Buckeyes push the rock up to the top of the hill (National Championship game) and some SEC team is always there to push it back down.

2.) Ole Miss - William Faulkner, of course. He didn't get a degree from Ole Miss, but if you live next to the university and win a Nobel Prize in literature, don't be surprised if you get claimed by the university as one of its greatest achievements. I believe Faulkner failed freshmen composition at Ole Miss.

3.) USC Trojans - I would say a Greek, actually! Achilles. They are a powerful bunch that wins game after game, but for the last few seasons some team (Stanford last year) that like Paris should have no business beating them finds a way to plant that arrow right in their achilles heel.

4.) Vanderbilt - It is obvious, Charlie Brown. This team hasn't had a winning season since the early years of the first Reagan administration. Yet, like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football that Lucy always snatches away from him, Vanderbilt keeps suiting up year after year to try to kick their way into a winning season and a trip to a bowl game.

5.) LSU - James Bond 007. Throughout the 07 season you thought LSU was done for. How many times did they go for it on 4th down? But each time they found a way to escape, just like Bond always does. And at the end of the season when it looked like LSU was done for in terms of winning a national championship, they still managed an escape, accomplished their mission, and got to go home with a girl named Sears Crystal Trophy in the end.

6.) Arkansas - The plays of Shakespeare. Shakespeare covered the whole span of human drama, and there has been enough drama on The Hill in the last few years to supply Shakespeare with material for several more plays. You have young Mitch Mustain playing Hamlet. To go to Arkansas or not to go to Arkansas? To stay or not to stay? There's a Lady Macbeth in Houston Nutt's wife who wished she could have delivered a 2x4 beating to Hamlet's mother. An old king saw his last days in power, King Lear, Henry IV, or call him Frank Broyles. The Prospero of the team, Gus Malazhan, known for creating magic on offense is runned off to the island of Tulsa in the sea of Oklahoma. And Richard III or is it Iago is now coaching at Ole Miss!

7.) Oklahoma State - Ernest Hemingway. Here is a team led by a coach that felt like he had to tell the world that "I am a man!" Hemingway has always been accused of over-compensating. Is the same true for Gundy? I don't know. But both have been parodied fairly well!

8.) Alabama - Any literary figure that is stuck in the past and can't cope with the present. There's a slew of them! The past is Paul Bear Bryant. The present is six defeats in a row to Auburn. If you are an Alabama fan or player, the past is certainly a better place right now to spend your time in. This would apply to Notre Dame as well.

9.) University of Texas - Narcissus. This is certainly a program that thinks very highly of itself in a state that thinks very highly of itself. And they have a lot to think highly of, but after-a-while you just want to drown them!

10.) Texas Tech - Auguste Renoir. Yeah, they are pretty canvases and pretty aerobatic displays of the foward pass, but in the end you feel that there is not much substance there in the painting and no championships in the trophy case.

This was enjoyable, and I would like to continue this thought experiment, but I need to go get in front of a television set! IT is about to start.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What besides a degree?

Students come to colleges and universities to get a degree so that they may put themselves in competition for a good paying and satisfying job. That is something everybody knows. But what I think is not stressed enough are the skills and traits students need to have to keep a professional job. I have a short list of what I think are important traits that students will want to show employers early on, i.e. show them that they are more than just a recently stamped college graduate who did well in the interview:

1.) Humility - Nobody wants a know-it-all working for them or over them, especially one just out of college! Accept that there are things you don't know and show that you are more than willing to learn how things are done.

2.) Tact - I think we in academia would do our students a service if we offered Tact 101. Knowing when not to say what you are thinking is a great skill to have in all walks of life, but especially the professional workplace. You don't want to be known as the person who starts cubicle or office wars between co-workers.

3.) Self-awareness - How does this make my company or boss look is a good question to ask before you send that angry email. Being able to step out of your own ego and see how others might view what you are saying and doing can keep you out of a lot of trouble before it begins.

4.) Honesty - If you make the mistake and confess to the error, your employer is likely to be more forgiving than if you try to carry off a cover-up. This is linked back to humility.

5.) Perserverance - A transcript with loads of W's doesn't tell a future employer that you have much ability to see something through when things get difficult. People want to hire people who have the self-confidence to work through the tough patches and see something through to the end.

6.) Dependability - If you say you are going to pick up the job candidate at 6:30 in the morning at the airport, your boss shouldn't be up at night wondering if you'll really do what you said you would do. To be known as a person of your word is a great honor and makes you someone they'll want to keep around the office.

Those are the six that come easily to mind. And you certainly don't have to start practicing them when you get your first job. You can work on these six right now in your dealings with your professors, advisors, fellow students, and your current employer if you have one. You might be able to fool them in the interview and with the resume that you have these traits, but the truth will work itself out if you don't really possess them. And that might just work yourself out of a job no matter the college degree you have on your wall.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What we talk about when we talk about academia

I had planned on posting something during the week itself, but I was just too tired from daily student traffic to make a post that would have made much sense. The weekend brings coherence! What I would like to recommend to everyone is something OSU gives you access to daily. And that is the website for The Chronicle of Higher Education. on OSU computers is free for you and me. You can find the paper version over in the Edmond Low library. The Chronicle covers the academia beat and can give you a better idea of the issues colleges and universities are dealing with. Why should you care? Well, OSU is dealing with many of those same issues and concerns. Plus, if you think you would want to work in academia, especially as a professor, then The Chronicle will be very useful to you as you will learn more about how academia functions, what various hurdles have to be jumped, and generally what life is like on the other side of the lectern. More immediately, I recommend that if you want to be a professor you start talking to your professors about what that life is like. It is easy to get the idea that they just come to class and teach and then have the rest of the week off. Actually, a lot more goes on behind the scenes. A skill that an academic has to have is the ability to do work when there is not a set 8-5 schedule with a boss watching over his or her shoulders. In other words, they have to be their own best task-masters who define for themselves when they are truly off the job.
One other website I think worth recommending is . This website takes a look at academia through the lens of adjunct faculty, i.e. faculty who are not on the tenure track and are just paid per course taught. As there are more Ph.D's in most disciplines than there are full-time positions, colleges and universities often rely upon paying a surplus of adjunct instructors to teach their courses for a much reduced wage. I guess you could say this is more of an anti-establishment website than The Chronicle. But if you are thinking about working in academia, you should make yourself aware of the status of adjuncts in academia, for you could be one yourself someday. Guys, it is a buyer's market out there when it comes to Ph.D's, especially in the humanities and social sciences. The reality is that people have jumped all the hurdles to get a Ph.D. and then find themselves teaching at a salary rate not too much better than what a fast food worker makes. I don't mention that in order to try to scare you away from wanting to be a college professor if that is what you want to be. But I do think you should go into it with your eyes open as wide as possible.

Monday, August 18, 2008

It is raining syllabi on the first day of classes

I woke up a bit earlier this morning in order to see to it that I got a parking space somewhere within the orbit of OSU. I am happy to report that I was successful. I hope you were successful at not only parking, but having a good first day back or first day here period. I also hope that you are reading your syllabi right now and making careful calculations about your load for this semester. I think I would see fewer of you later in the semester wanting a drop card signature if more weighing of what a semester is going to ask of you is done during the first week when you can easily make changes to your schedule. Don't get me wrong, however. I am not saying toss every course that looks like you might have to write more than one paper. I am saying take a good look at your outside of classroom commitments and make sure that you aren't entering a haste makes waste situation where you are attempting more hours than you can reasonably handle. The "W" is really not your friend when you do another calculation - the cost of tuition and fees. Every course that you take a "W" in is a course that you are essentially paying for twice. College courses already are expensive enough when you are paying for them just for the first time.
I would write more, but it is has been a long day for me as well. I am going home to recharge the batteries and to get ready to go parking spot hunting again tomorrow morning. The early bird gets the worm and the OSU parking space!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Ribbon Cutting Post

Hello, and welcome to The Consuasor Report. This is going to be a blog for the fall semester of 2008 (and maybe beyond?) where I plan to write on higher education, life-long learning, life at OSU, things I think might help psychology, economics, American Studies, and liberal studies majors in particular, and will just generally raise the over-all discourse of the blogosphere with erudite opinions and reflections, haha. As you can see, I've already raised the vocabulary of the blogosphere by being the one and only blog that uses the Latin word for "advisor" in its title. A little secret, I had to look that up myself as I am not as familiar with the language of the Romans as I would like to be. I think I will close this post with a quote from a man who wouldn't have needed to look "consuasor" up - Thomas Jefferson. I think it says rather well how important learning, the over-arching theme of this blog, is for our country or any country for that matter: " If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Let that sink in and then give it the needed twist when you reflect upon the fact that the man who wrote that owned people he purposely kept ignorant.